Appointments and Holidays - Western Oregon Pt. 2

We’ve got something like a routine this season, with 3 parks we like in different regions with different activities. Mostly we’re scheduling around holidays and my medical appointments. Go to the coast when we can, come back to Silverton or Portland when there’s an appointment.

It is pretty strange, this not knowing what’s next. We could be circling like this for some time. I hope not. I’m itching for some long drives south.

We spent a week in Silverton, with a trip to the state capitol in Salem for Audrey’s state government unit in school. The capitol was pretty empty, as the legislature was out of session. Kind of spooky in a way with nobody there. But it’s a beautiful space, well-presented to teach how it works, and encouraging to all visitors to consider the impact on their state that they might have via representation and petition.

There was a bike skills track nearby, which we managed to visit on the wettest day possible. It felt good to get out, though.

We spent another week in Portland again, for doctor appointments and also to see school friends at a fall Waldorf tradition - Lantern Walk. This was a very very wet one, but joyful nonetheless seeing good friends.

We headed back to Pacific City again in the week before Thanksgiving, for a longer visit at the beach. This was a wonderful stay over a longer weekend with better weather, so we really got to see more of the tide pools and even climb the dune at Cape Kiwanda.

That’s two RV turkeys in a row for us!

We returned to the Portland area for Thanksgiving, this time to a park near Bridgeport Mall called Pheasant Ridge. This was a really nice park - a little tight but more comfortable than staying in the park in North Portland. The goal was to celebrate Thanksgiving with Kristin’s family all together, but unfortunately both Luke and Kristin’s mom got colds so we had to celebrate separately.

There is a certain ease that comes with not having to have big plans or high-stakes itineraries. We’re here, we can kind of wander to some cool parks whenever we wish. I’m glad we’re keeping up regular travel days, there’s an energy to them that keeps us fresh. It forces us to clean up the rig and keep our towing skills sharp. But where this will take us next, no one can say.




Oregon Variations - Silverton and Pacific City